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General and Preventative Dentistry by Dental Co


Tooth-coloured (metal free) composite fillings

Throughout history, dentists worldwide used amalgam fillings made of elemental mercury, silver, tin, copper and possibly other heavy metallic elements to fill cavities. While the jury is still out on the potentially toxic effects of these fillings, we use only tooth-coloured, composite fillings to remedy cavities. Composite fillings consist of a plastic and glass mixture.

Composite fillings, which consist of a plastic and glass mixture, are healthier and look completely natural. The filling material is matched to your tooth colour and then bonded securely for a durable, attractive solution to tooth decay.

Besides the aesthetic advantages, these modern, tooth-coloured fillings offer practical advantages over metal fillings: less of the tooth structure is removed; the seal between tooth and filling is tighter; and composite fillings can be repaired or added onto as needed.

Traditional amalgam fillings can actually cause further damage to the rest of the tooth and increase the risk of future fractures. We replace problematic amalgam fillings with composite alternatives, which have several advantages:

  • a more natural colour
  • more of the original tooth is preserved
  • a tighter bond between the filling and tooth
  • easily repaired if necessary

Oral Hygiene

Scheduled dental cleanings are an essential part of your dental care and yearly dentist visit. We gently remove the build-up from your teeth so that you can enjoy the benefits of a clean mouth, an attractive smile and teeth that are more likely to last a lifetime.

As research has shown a link between gum disease and cardiovascular diseases, a good oral cleaning is also vital for your overall health.

Pediatric Dentistry

Geriatric Dentistry


  • Removal of impacted teeth
  • Frenectomy
  • Surgical orthodontic exposure for mechanical eruption of teeth
  • Gingivoplasty and gingivectomy to sculpt gum tissue
  • Crown lengthening procedures

TMJ disorder (teeth grinding)

Many people do not realise that their stiff necks, migraines or backache might be linked to grinding or clenching their teeth. TMJ disorder may be a cause or factor in the following:

  • Migraines triggered by clenching
  • Grinding and clenching
  • Morning jaw soreness
  • Muscle tension throughout the day
  • Neck pain and stiffness triggered by clenching
  • Worn teeth and gum damage, which may require costly treatment

The Dental Co offers a modern solution to this condition. Strategically placed injections weaken the masseter (jaw) muscles just enough to reduce the effects of grinding and clenching. The muscle will retain enough mobility for its normal functions. The procedure entails five to six relatively painless injections. Injections must be repeated on a six-monthly basis, but the grinding habit is usually broken after the second treatment. Patients usually start to experience the effects from the first day after treatment. Migraines often dissipate by the end of the first week.



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